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Final Death - Requiem

Final Death

Warning: preg_match(): Compilation failed: group name must start with a non-digit at offset 8 in D:\home\desertrosedomain.com\subdomains\requiem\includes\MagicWord.php on line 860
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'''Final Death''' is a term used by [[vampire]]s to refer to permanent death, as opposed to [[torpor]] or their first death as part of the [[Embrace]]. By nature, vampires are incredibly resilient and tend to recover from wounds that would kill a [[mortal]] several times over. However, there is a limit to the punishment that their bodies can take, and specific forms of damage, such as from fire or sunlight, can lead to true destruction. Final Death is not to be confused with [[Amaranth|Diablerie]], which not only inflicts Final Death on the vampire's body, but devours the soul and perhaps everything that made the victim who they were.

Latest revision as of 17:20, 10 March 2014

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