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Dammitic Prayers - Requiem

Dammitic Prayers

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Dammitic prayers usually reflect Old Testament scripture in both style and content, and are frequently inspired by biblical passages, psalms, or even traditional Jewish prayers. That inspiration is but a starting point, however; in the process of excising mortal references and adding Longinian ones, the Dammitic creates something that is unique to his Creed.
There are no "official" prayers as such; the ones listed below have been created by individual Dammitics and made available to others IC. Players are encouraged to add their own creations to the list. It is assumed that the prayers listed here are accessible to anyone who has the appropriate skills to research them (or who is given a copy IC by a Dammitic), so please do not post anything here that is "for Dammitic eyes only."
Out of the depths of the nether-world I cried<br>
And Thou heardest my prayer<br>
Thou cast me into the depths<br>
Into the heart of the seas<br>
And the flood was all around me<br>
And I said, "I am cast out<br>
From before Thine eyes."<br>
The water compassed me about, drowning my soul.<br>
The deep closed in about me<br>
I went down to the bottoms of the mountains;<br>
The earth with her bars closed upon me forever<br>
Yet Thou spoke to my spirit in the Pit,<br>
And gave me words for guidance.<br>
Oh Lord my God.<br>
When my soul fainted with terror<br>
I remembered the Lord<br>
And I raised up my voice in a prayer<br>
So that my words reached Thee in Thy holy temple:<br>
Behold, those that worship vanities<br>
Forsake their sacred duty<br>
But I will sacrifice unto Thee<br>
With the voice of thanksgiving<br>
And that which I am bound to pay, I will pay.<br>
(Jonah II)
Lord, my heart is not haughty<br>
Nor mine eyes lofty<br>
Tonight I do not look to matters too great<br>
Or things too high<br>
But I quiet my soul<br>
As a child newly weaned of his mother is quiet<br>
Contemplating the paths that lie before him<br>
Seeking wisdom in humility.<br>
Guide me, oh Lord, that I may walk the proper path<br>
And serve Thee according to Thy will<br>
Now and forever.<br>
(Psalm 131)
I said unto the fools, do not do foolishly.<br>
I said unto the proud, do not lift up your horn<br>
Nor speak with a stiff neck.<br>
For promotion will come not from the east, nor from the west,<br>
Nor from the north, nor from the south.<br>
Behold, the word of God raises up His servants<br>
And the word of God casts down the enemies of his purpose.<br>
In the hand of the Lord there is a cup, and the drink within it is red blood<br>
He poureth it into the cups of his servants, and bids them drink<br>
That they may have the strength to subdue their enemies.<br>
I will declare the Lord's glory forever; I will sing praises to the God of Jacob<br>
The horns of idols will I cut off, and the prayers of the faithful exalt.<br>
Unto Thee, oh God,  do we give thanks<br>
For the gift of Damnation, the outpouring of blood, and the sweet perfume of righteousness.<br>
(Psalm 75)
Give ear, oh my people, to the Law; incline your ears to the words of my mouth.<br>
I will open up my mouth to speak parables; I will recite the terrible truths<br>
Which we have learned from our Dark Father.<br>
We do not hide the darkness of our fate from our childer,<br>
But pass it on anew to each generation.<br>
Sing praises of the Lord, His majesty, and the purpose He has given us.<br>
For he has established a testimony through Longinus, and appointed a Law in his Testament<br>
Which we are commanded us to keep throughout all our generations.<br>
A sire shall make them known to his childer<br>
That they might abandon hope of salvation<br>
And bend their knee and lower their head before God.<br>
Behold, we are not like those that came before us,<br>
Stubborn and rebellious and without faith or purpose<br>
A people whose heart was not aright<br>
And whose spirit was one with the beasts.<br> 
They kept no covenant with God, and had no thought for His plan.<br>
Arise, oh God, and judge the Earth.<br>
Usher the souls of men into the bower  of heaven,<br>
While we praise Thy glory in eternal darkness.<br>
(Psalm 78)
A Song of War<br><br>
Oh God, our enemies seek Thine inheritance<br>
Thy temple they defile<br>
The dead bodies of Thy servants they give over to vultures<br>
And the blood of Thy saints spill upon the ground.<br>
Pour out Thy wrath upon them that have not known Thee, Oh Lord<br>
And upon the kingdoms that do not praise Thy name.<br>
Wherefore should our enemies say, where is your God?<br>
Let Him be known among the unbelievers by revenging the blood of His servants.<br>
Let the anguished cry of our enemies be a song of praise to Your Ears<br>
And the weeping of prisoners a testament to Your glory.<br>
Render unto those that hate us<br>
Seven times seven the evil that they have rendered unto us<br>
So that we Thy servants, the Wolves of Heaven,<br>
May give thanks to Thee for victory<br>
And bear eternal witness to Thy glory.<br>
(see also GOL:1) 
(Psalm 79)
A Song of Deliverance<br> <br>
Lord, how determined are my foes!<br>
See how they rise up against me!<br>
But I have faith in Thee<br>
And my spirit will not be shaken.<br>
Thou, oh God, are my shield,<br>
My glory, the One who lifts my head high.<br>
Thou shalt divide the true from the false,<br> 
Thou shalt distinguish faith from blasphemy.<br>
Let none vouchsafe Thy holy word<br>
Nor blacken the name of Thy servant.<br> 
Behold,I lie down and sleep in confidence<br>
for I know that the He sustains me.<br>
I will not fear though tens of thousands assail me<br>
for He is my strength.<br>
I will not despair though the mouths of liars<br>
speak against me at every turn<br>
For He is my truth.<br>
Let enemies pour their poison into my well;<br>
Still I shall drink deeply<br>
For Thou, oh God, are my guardian,<br>
And my faith in Thee hath neither limit nor end.<br> 
Arise, and deliver Thy servant!<br>
Strike the breast of those who would do us harm<br>
Break the teeth of those who would lead us astray<br>
Let Thy wrath consume those who would bear false witness<br> 
To sunder the ranks of the faithful<br> 
So that all men see these acts and say:<br> 
The Lord God is Majesty<br> 
The Lord God is Deliverance<br>
The Lord God is Justice.<br> <br>
(Psalm 3)

Latest revision as of 17:05, 10 March 2014

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