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Exorcists - Requiem


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From Requiem
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"The unseen moves to destroy us. As we move to uncover and destroy it."
The Exorcist creed tends to have a revivalist following. Where whole diocese of sanctified can be swallowed up into their membership. The ideas and paranoia that they eschew can be sweeping and galvanic. Despite the histeria that usually follows in their wake.
The Exorcists are less interested in political power, only on protecting the covenant.
Which leads us to the fact that their requiems are usually short and violent. Despite this their teachings are infectious and take root quickly in the young and zealous.
There is at this time no global network of Exorcists. Most Exorcists attention is devoted to their immediate surroundings. The protection of the covenant at its lowest level.
[[Category:Lancea Sanctum]]

Latest revision as of 17:04, 10 March 2014

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