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Sanctified Ranks and Titles - Requiem

Sanctified Ranks and Titles

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The [[:Category:Lancea Sanctum|Lancea Sanctum]] does not organize itself as other covenants do. The eminent position in a Domain is the [[Bishop]], but there can be many bishops in a city. [[Archbishops]] act as advisers to their domain and the areas beyond, while [[Cardinals]] can advise entire regions.
''[[Inquisitors]]'' are appointed to root out and destroy heresies throughout the local parish. Sometimes, these positions become more permanent based on the Inquisitor's skill and ability, and becomes an important role throughout the region.
''[[Priests]]'' are the bottom rung of the anointed ladder, however they serve important purposes. Beginning with an individual adviser, Priests can take Confession, perform Apostolica, and deliver sermons.
''[[Legates]]'' serve at the whims of ''Cardinals'', ''Archbishops'', or ''Bishops''. The position isn't precisely defined except by the person who appoints the person. They serve as travelers, personal Heralds, diplomats, spies, or a representative of a city's authority.
''[[Crusaders]]'' are elite warriors of the Lancea Sanctum. They are designed to maintain martial prowess for the glory of the Dark Prophet.
''[[Deacons]]'' are lay members of the Covenant who are given a special authority by an anointed leader.
''[[Paladins]]'' swear oaths of protection and personal loyalty to a particular member of the clergy. A paladin specializes in combat and self-defense and must constantly prove their piety to the charge and to the covenant as a whole.
''[[Ostiaries]]'' are in charge of defending a particular Sanctified-held city, often keeping watch over routes into and out of the metropolitan area. 
''[[Adeptus]]'' are occultists that engage other supernatural entities, typically using advanced knowledge of Theban Sorcery and other powers to investigate, neutralize, or destroy these creatures in the name of God. Recently created by the Curia Cruentes.
== Breakdown by Region and Affiliate==
== North Central ==
== South Central ==
==Great Lakes==
== South East ==
== South West ==
== North West ==
== North East ==
== East Central ==
== Canada ==
== Belgium ==
== Australia ==
== Africa ==
== Italy ==
== Greece ==
[[Category:Lancea Sanctum]]

Latest revision as of 16:41, 10 March 2014

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